Saturday, September 11, 2010

Change in the season.... Ain't no changes in me!

Boy things are looking great these days! The intern started in the studio and he is a great kid! I'm having a blast working with him. We are working on finishing up some of the open projects around here! No, I don't just make him take out the garbage! He has a part in the studio and he is responsible for his part. Just like everyone else! Everyone works as a team... way cool!
 I have been doing some back up vocals myself lately, so I need someone on the other side of the glass. Lets face it he has the schooling already! I'm enjoying being able to sit in on some of these sessions. As an engineer, that doesn't happen alot.
 My effects set-up was featured on another web page and I couldn't be happier! It lets me know I am on the right track. check it out!
 This week will hold alot of personal challenges for me. I don't know how much time I will get in the studio, but I know I will be back in on Tuesday... This is like my baby... I hate to be away from her! Soon it will be balls to the walls around here and I need to prepare better this winter! I am also adding a separate vocal booth and that has to be done between sessions. Its looking like sometime in October for that.
 Brad Brookes new song is coming along nicely! He has requested alot of input from me. I like that because it takes the tension out of the mixes. I get to have alot more free expression on the instruments, the sound, and things like that. It takes the EGO out for all of us! Nice!!!!!!!!!
 Well I can't type all day! Keep stopping back, and stay in tune!

Oh... one more thing: I see alot of people visiting the blog, but no one leaves comments or questions? Please let me know how I'm doing if nothing else! Chow for now!

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