Friday, August 20, 2010

I sent out a song to L.A. on the west coast!

It will be interesting to see if this process is a good way to get some where in this business! After completing a song I often ask people what their next step is? Or, what are their intentions? The answer always seems to be the same... "I'm not sure" Well, has a recording engineer, I never viewed it to be my responsibility to nudge them in the right direction. I always told them they need to get a manager if they don't already have one. Although that is sound advice, most of the work I do is for bar demos. The times are changing in the music industry and doing whole albums from beginning to end, are gone. I have been doing bar demos for musicians that are recording quality or better! I go through and explain the recording process. I will make them do take after take to get it right. Musicians now a days, want the engineer to fix things in the mix. To me that is just wrong! If you have learned the song well enough to play it live then, you need to play it better to record it... Please you guys, take pride in your work!
 Over the years of recording I have done, I got to work with some of the best musicians in the business. In return, I have also met some of the right people to help get things done in this industry! A few years back, I had a guy come in the studio with big EGO..... We call this LSD, (Lead Singers Disease) He was doing a concept album and before it was even mixed, he wanted me to send it off to have a big time producer listen to it. I told him I would not do that because my name is on the same recording as his and we would both look foolish! He got mad and stormed out of the studio. I later found out that he was sending it to his uncle to have him critique it...Well his uncle and I have been staying in contact with each other, via email. This was the first time I used this contact in hopes I can better some else s life!
  Well I guess I have done enough ranting for one day! Stay in tune and chow for now!

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